FRnet Boards

FRnet Boards

Het ICPDAS FR I/O-module is een veelzijdige en betrouwbare oplossing die is ontworpen voor toepassingen op het gebied van op afstand monitoren en besturen in industriële omgevingen. FR staat voor Field Remote I/O, wat aangeeft dat het in staat is om I/O-signalen over lange afstanden uit te breiden. Deze modules worden typisch gebruikt in scenario's waar bedrading tussen sensoren, actuatoren en besturingssystemen uitgebreid is.

Belangrijke kenmerken van het ICPDAS FR I/O-module zijn onder andere:

1. Afstandsconnectiviteit: Hiermee kunt u I/O-signalen op afstand monitoren en besturen over lange afstanden, waardoor de noodzaak voor uitgebreide bedrading wordt verminderd.
2. Modulair ontwerp: Biedt flexibiliteit in systeemconfiguratie door gebruikers in staat te stellen I/O-punten aan te passen op basis van specifieke toepassingsvereisten.
3. Hoge betrouwbaarheid: Gebouwd om bestand te zijn tegen zware industriële omgevingen, zodat betrouwbare werking zelfs onder uitdagende omstandigheden wordt gegarandeerd.
4. Breed scala aan I/O-opties: Ondersteunt verschillende soorten in- en uitgangssignalen, waaronder digitale ingangen, digitale uitgangen, analoge ingangen en analoge uitgangen, die voldoen aan diverse toepassingsbehoeften.
5. Gemakkelijke integratie: Compatibel met standaard industriële communicatieprotocollen, waardoor naadloze integratie met bestaande besturingssystemen mogelijk is.

Al met al biedt het ICPDAS FR I/O-module een kosteneffectieve en efficiënte oplossing voor toepassingen op het gebied van op afstand monitoren en besturen, met flexibiliteit, betrouwbaarheid en gemak van integratie.

per pagina

11 producten

  1. 8/16-channel Isolated Analog Input Module With High Voltage Protection And Isolated Communication Line

    8/16-channel Isolated Analog Input Module With High Voltage Protection And Isolated Communication Line

    ● Built-in wire-saving FRnet control
    ● High-speed transmission reliability
    ● Simple synchronization mechanism
    ● No software overhead on protocol processing
    ● Supporting broadcasting (1:n data transmission)
    ● Duplicating output easily
    ● Fixed I/O scan-time and I/O synchronization
    ● DIN-Rail mountable

  2. 32-channel Relay Output Module

    32-channel Relay Output Module

    ● Built-in FRnet interface
    ● Real I/O synchronization
    ● Innovative token-stream technology
    ● Support Broadcasting
    ● Real Deterministic Control
    ● Fixed Scan time: 256 points @ 2.88 ms
    ● Each bank consists of 8 input channels and has its own ground reference
    ● ASIC design without CPU
    ● Memory-map I/O
    ● No protocol and no software overhead
    ● Easy Programming and OS-independent
    ● Din-Rail mountable
    ● Two-Wire Cabling
    ● Jumper setting
    ● Interface circuit

  3. 16-channel Relay Output Module - FR16R

    16-channel Relay Output Module

    ● Built-in FRnet interface
    ● Real I/O synchronization
    ● Innovative token-stream technology
    ● Support Broadcasting
    ● Real Deterministic Control
    ● Fixed Scan time: 256 points @ 2.88 ms
    ● Each bank consists of 8 input channels and has its own ground reference
    ● ASIC design without CPU
    ● Memory-map I/O
    ● No protocol and no software overhead
    ● Easy Programming and OS-independent
    ● Din-Rail mounting
    ● Two-Wire Cabling
    ● Jumper setting
    ● Interface circuit


  4. 32-channel Isolated Digital Input Module

    32-channel Isolated Digital Input Module

    ● Built-in FRnet interface
    ● Real I/O synchronization
    ● Innovative token-stream technology
    ● Support Broadcasting
    ● Real Deterministic Control
    ● Fixed Scan time: 256 points @ 2.88 ms
    ● Each bank consists of 8 input channels and has its own ground reference
    ● ASIC design without CPU
    ● Memory-map I/O
    ● No protocol and no software overhead
    ● Easy Programming and OS-independent
    ● DIN-Rail Mounting
    ● Two-Wire Cabling
    ● Jumper setting
    ● Interface circuit


  5. 16-channel Sink Type Isolated Output Module With Isolated Communication line

    16-channel Sink Type Isolated Output Module With Isolated Communication line

    ● Built-in Wire-saving FRnet DI/DO control
    ● High-speed transmission reliability
    ● Simple synchronization mechanism
    ● No software overhead on protocol processing
    ● Supporting broadcasting (1:n data transmission)
    ● Duplicating output easily
    ● Fixed I/O scan-time and I/O synchronization
    ● DIN-Rail Mountable


  6. 16-channel Sink/Source Type Isolated Digital Input Module With Isolated Communication line

    16-channel Sink/Source Type Isolated Digital Input Module With Isolated Communication line

    ● Built-in Wire-saving FRnet DI/DO control
    ● High-speed transmission reliability
    ● Simple synchronization mechanism
    ● No software overhead on protocol processing
    ● Supporting broadcasting (1:n data transmission)
    ● Duplicating output easily
    ● Fixed I/O scan-time and I/O synchronization
    ● DIN-Rail Mountable


  7. 16-channel Dry Contact Isolated Digital Input Module With Isolated Communication line

    16-channel Dry Contact Isolated Digital Input Module With Isolated Communication line

    ● Built-in Wire-saving FRnet DI/DO control
    ● High-speed transmission reliability
    ● Simple synchronization mechanism
    ● No software overhead on protocol processing
    ● Supporting broadcasting (1:n data transmission)
    ● Duplicating output easily
    ● Fixed I/O scan-time and I/O synchronization
    ● DIN-Rail mountable


  8. Isolated Universal 2-port FRnet Communication Board

    Isolated Universal 2-port FRnet Communication Board

    ● Reduced Wiring two-wire cabling
    ● Innovative token-stream communication technology
    ● Real-time I/O synchronization capabilities
    ● Fixed cyclic scan time for deterministic control
    ● High speed distributed I/O control capabilities
    ● Memory-mapping I/O programming
    ● Easily programmable
    ● No software overhead for protocol processing
    ● Universal PCI card, supports both 5V and 3.3V PCI bus


per pagina

11 producten

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